Ways to Reach Us

15590 W. 13 Mile Road, Ste. A, Beverly Hills, MI 48025



Breast Augmentation – How To Choose The Right Size

The technology, materials, and experience cosmetic surgeons have at their disposal means patients can get amazing results no matter what they’re looking for. When a patient walks into a cosmetic surgery consultation, one of the first things they’ll realize is that there are a staggering number of options available. Breast augmentation is no different, and […]

How Do I Know If Botox Is Right For Me?

Botox is one of the most common approaches to treating wrinkles. Nearly everyone has heard of it, and if you’ve been thinking about doing something about your wrinkles, you’ve probably thought about Botox before. One of the most common concerns related to Botox is the safety, although scientific research has indicated that when injections are […]

How Safe Is A Tummy Tuck And What Can I Expect From The Procedure

If you’re self-conscious about loose, drooping skin around your midsection, you may have already heard about or read into tummy tuck procedures. Clinically referred to as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck procedure involves the removal of loose skin and fat deposits. The procedure also generally includes tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. Altogether, this […]

Mommy Makeovers – When Is The Right Time For Me And My Body?

“Mommy makeovers” are one of the largest growing trends in the world of cosmetic surgery. In contrast to older generations, more and more women are taking advantage of safe, effective cosmetic surgeries to restore or improve their post-pregnancy bodies. To bring everyone up to speed, “mommy makeover” is a term that refers to a number […]

What Questions Should I Ask At My Consultation

Safe cosmetic surgery is still a serious health procedure. Once the surgery is performed, there’s no going back. As such, it is crucial that patients are well informed and can make educated decisions before any procedures. Even once you’ve decided that you want cosmetic surgery, you have to determine what procedure you want, how extensive […]

Aging Gracefully

Aging gracefully: Tips and advice for general maintenance Patients who come into my office might have one or more procedures in mind, but in general, every patient desires to look good for their age and to slow down the aging process. From keeping skin looking smooth and bright to helping their weight-loss goals by minimizing […]