While weight loss can improve many health conditions, it can result in excess, drooping skin on your face and body. This excess skin may even lead to rashes, general discomfort, lower back pain, or other concerns. Removing and tightening skin can dramatically improve patients’ confidence while further sculpting the body.
The most common area for bariplastic surgery is the stomach, as that’s where the effects of weight loss may be apparent. Other areas targeted for bariplastic surgery include the face, arms, chest, breast, and thighs.
Patients who have experienced massive weight loss should schedule a consultation with Dr. Mucci, where he will assess the areas where bariplastic surgery would be most important and successful. We will work with you to come up with a plan to address all your areas of concern, which may be treated in several stages.
Also known as a lower body lift, a panniculectomy is a procedure used to remove skin at the lower stomach that hangs down toward the thighs. During the procedure, Dr. Mucci lifts out and removes that excess skin, and a tummy tuck to address the area over the bellybutton may be completed simultaneously. For some patients, he may also complete a third procedure to remove excess skin at the lower back that creates those notorious “love handles,” as well as lift skin at the buttocks.

Belt Lipectomy
A belt lipectomy to address those affectionately named “muffin tops” and “love handles” can be completed alone or in conjunction with other plastic surgeries. During this procedure, an incision will be made around your lower back, and extra skin and fat will be removed. The result is a smoother contour, more natural shape, and slightly lifted buttocks and thighs.
Arm Lift Surgery (Brachioplasty)
An arm lift surgery (brachioplasty) can eliminate fat wings and hanging skin on the arms, allowing weight loss patients to feel even more confident in short-sleeved shirts, dresses, and tank tops. Dr. Mucci typically places the incision on the inner part of the arm, so it’s barely visible to the patient and others.

Thigh Lift Procedure
A thigh lift tightens the inner and outer areas of the thighs. It is usually completed in two phases, one to lift and tighten the inner part of the thigh with an incision near the groin and the other to remove excess fat and skin on the outer thigh. Thigh lifts may be most effective in conjunction with liposuction.