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15590 W. 13 Mile Road, Ste. A, Beverly Hills, MI 48025



Transform your body into a tighter, smoother, more sculpted appearance with cosmetic surgery at our Beverly Hills, Michigan practice. A leading plastic surgeon in Oakland County, Dr. Samuel Mucci specializes in body contouring procedures including breast transformations, tummy tucks, liposuction, thigh lifts, arm lifts, and more.

Body contouring can result in dramatic changes for patients, leading to increased confidence and even an improved overall outlook on life. Not only do they look and feel better in their clothing, but they also may no longer feel pain or discomfort associated with some body contouring needs.

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Liposuction involves using a hollow tube that his hooked up to a machine that mechanically sucks the fat away. Liposuction is especially ideal for patients who already have good-quality skin but are just hoping to remove a layer of fat underneath. After the procedure, the skin will shrink down, which makes liposuction a good way to contour and sculpt the body.

After the procedure, patients should wear compression garments for about six weeks to aid in healing, decrease bruising, reduce swelling, minimize discomfort, and optimize the results.

There are several different types of liposuction. The procedure Dr. Mucci completes most often is power-assisted liposuction, which features an oscillating handle that helps the hollow tube move back and forth in order to remove more fat, similar to the functionality of an electric toothbrush.

Liposuction can be performed virtually anywhere on the body, from the neck to the calves and just about every in-between. The most common areas for liposuction include the stomach, waist/lower back, outer thighs, and arms, as well as the chest for men.

Male Chest Reduction (Gynecomastia Surgery)

When men have excess fullness with or without loose skin at the chest, known as gynecomastia, it can truly have a negative impact on their self-confidence and the way they look in their clothing.

At least three options are possible for chest reduction for men based on how much tissue must be removed.

The first step is liposuction. If that does not resolve the concerns, the next option is gynecomastia surgery, which entails making incisions around the nipples in order to remove excess tissue around them.

The most aggressive solution would be a chest lift. This procedure involves making incisions in the chest fold, cutting around the nipples, removing excess skin, and then closing the area back up, although this may leave a small scar in the chest fold.

Tummy Tucks (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy tucks are popular procedures for many people, especially those who have excess skin at their stomachs after pregnancy or significant weight loss.

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that involves making an incision at the bikini line from hip to hip. The bellybutton is left attached to the abdominal wall while the skin and fatty tissue are elevated from the abdominal wall.

The goal of the abdominoplasty is to narrow the waist from side to side with an internal suture line, and then remove excess skin from above the bellybutton down to the bikini line. The result is a tighter, narrower, flatter abdomen that can make patients feel better inside and out.