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Are Chemical Peels The Gateway To Beautiful Skin?

Clocking in around 16% of your body weight, your skin is crucial to your cosmetic routines. While daily moisturizer and ample sunscreen sit high on the list of “must-dos” to keep your skin at its healthiest, the cosmetic world offers another option to leave your skin looking and feeling fabulous: chemical peels.

Chances are you’ve heard of chemical peels before. Maybe in a magazine, or on a TV show. The truth is, though, a lot of people are admittedly unaware of what a peel is or what it means to get one.

So, What Are You Doing To My Skin?

To put it simply, a chemical solution is applied to the dead and damaged upper layers of skin to help smooth texture, correct skin tones, remove scars, and a host of other imperfections, depending on your skin’s needs. Your treatment plan is created with your medical esthetician to be sure you’re getting the right treatment for your desired results and your skin’s characteristics. Chemical peels are usually done in a series after a consultation.

Types Of Chemical Peels

A lot of the misunderstanding about chemical peels comes from the fact that there are several types being performed today.

Lactic peels are “superficial” peels made from AHA (alpha hydroxy acids). They are gentle on the skin, and are used to exfoliate, dry up oily skin, or improve acne.

Glycolic peels are “medium” skin peels, used typically to decrease the perception of wrinkles, age spots, and minor skin discoloration.

Beta peels are “superficial” peels made from BHA (beta hydroxy acids). Much like the lactic peels, they are gentle on the skin and help exfoliate, dry up oily skin, or improve acne.

Deep peels are made from Tricholoracetic acid or phenol and used to deeply penetrate the skin to treat freckles, age spots, or shallow scars.

What Can I Expect?

The deeper the peel, the most discomfort you can expect to feel. No, not excruciating pain, but you will feel a bit of a sting. Depending on your treatment, your skin can take anywhere from one day to three weeks to heal.

Be sure to consult with a professional before deciding which treatment is best for you. An expert can give you all of the necessary information needed to make the best possible decision for you and your skin.

We offer many different skin care products and services, including chemical peels. If you’d like to book an appointment, call our office today at 248-283-1115.

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