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15590 W. 13 Mile Road, Ste. A, Beverly Hills, MI 48025



What Type Of Questions Should I Ask At My Consultation?

I talk a lot about the importance of asking your surgeon every question possible before committing to using them as your surgeon or committing to the procedure. Making an informed decision is better than being blindsided by unknowns.

First, Do Your Research

Research your potential doctor. Research the procedure. Research other doctors. All of it! Do what you can to inform yourself as much as possible so you can be better equipped to ask questions that mean the most to you.

Question 1: What Are The Risks Of This Procedure?

It’s always important to understand all of the risks involved in any surgical procedure.

Is there a risk of infection? How would that infection occur?

In the case of implants, is there a risk of rupture?

Is there a risk of nerve damage, hematoma, scarring, or anesthesia complications?

While some of these things can be anxiety-inducing, it’s vital you understand all of what can happen during or after a surgery. Armed with this information, you can make the best decisions moving forward.

Question 2: What Are The Benefits Of This Procedure?

Just as important as knowing the risks — know the benefits!

Get excited about your procedure. Know what you can expect and not expect. Be aware of how good you’re going to feel in the end.

Question 3: May I See Before And After Results?

It’s great to see before and after photos of the procedure you’re interested in. You can assess the quality and the number of times the surgeon has performed the surgery. Plus, you’re able to see the potential results of your procedure.

As a bonus, as for before and after photos of people who have not only had the procedure you’re interested in but also those who have the same body type as you. Then you’ll have an accurate judgment of the outcome.

Question 4: Where Will The Surgery Take Place?

Is the surgery happening at an accredited facility or hospital? What are the staff’s credentials? Do you have hospital privileges?

All of these questions can help give you an accurate representation of what you can expect while you’re under anesthesia. You’ll know what the procedures are, the qualifications of the people in the room, and how any emergencies would be handled if they arise.

The best thing you can do during your consultation is to ask the questions that are most important to you. Make sure you feel comfortable with your surgeon. Assess their bedside manner, assess their qualifications, and, most importantly, trust your gut.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation, contact us today!

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