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15590 W. 13 Mile Road, Ste. A, Beverly Hills, MI 48025



Breast Augmentation: How Big Is Too Big?

One thing is for certain in all cosmetic procedures: There is no one-size-fits-all approach. One of the most personally unique surgeries is the breast augmentation. Depending on body frame, preference, or even style trends, “too big” or “too small” are incredibly relative terms.

As with every surgery, there are a few things to consider before you go under the knife. Do the following and you’ll be certain you’re choosing the right size!

Thoroughly Discuss Your Goals And Options With Your Surgeon

I know this seems like a no-brainer. It’s also the first step I recommend in every surgery. The more information your board-certified surgeon has, the better they are equipped to help you make the best choices for your end result.

Experienced surgeons have seen it all. They’ve given implants to women with all size frames. They’ve replaced implants that ended up being too big or too small for the person’s preference. They’ve corrected botched augmentations. Ask them their opinion on everything and you’re sure to have a better idea of the decision you ultimately want to make.

Try It On

At most clinics, you’ll be able to put real implants inside your bra to determine what size best fits your frame or fits your preferences. The best part about this is you’ll be able to ask any questions you have (see above!) right then and there. Bring in a few different bra sizes and go to town!

Get Measured

While you might have a certain size in mind while rocking a small frame, it’s important to let your surgeon take some measurements to determine what size will best fit your body. Things like shoulder width, height, and your ribcage help your surgeon give you the most accurate scenarios with your chosen implant. When you go too big, complications are possible. Things like sagging breasts, separated incision lines, shoulder pain, or back pain are all possible issues that could come up if the implants are too large for your frame. Get measured, ask advice, and be smart!

Other Things To Consider

Think about your lifestyle.

Do you run? Do you lift weights? Do you do yoga? Will any of the activities you participate in your day-to-day life be hindered by enlarging your breasts too much? Think carefully about how your habits might be altered depending on the breast size you choose.

On top of all the other considerations, it’s possible to go too small, as well. This can leave you disheartened and dissatisfied with the surgery. The implant may also be ill-proportioned to your breast pocket, leaving your breasts with residual sagging. That’s why it’s incredibly important to consult with your doctor thoroughly, do your research, and be comfortable with asking questions.

As soon as your ready, we’d love to hear from you. Come get a consultation today.

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