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What Is The Right Time And Age For Me To Consider A Breast Augmentation

One of the most common questions people have about breast augmentation procedures concern the “right” times and ages to undergo the surgery. There really is no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions: it’s a decision each patient will have to make for themselves with their own unique goals, needs, and lifestyle in mind.

So what’s a good time to consider a breast augmentation? Let’s cover a few of the most important considerations.

Are you planning on having children within the next few years? Most plastic surgeons recommend that you wait until you are done having children if you are planning to have them within a few years. Childbearing will result in a variety of changes to your body, and waiting until afterwards is a good idea to preserve the results of the procedure. However, some plastic surgeons recommend going ahead with the procedure if you are uncertain about children, as it is unlikely to have a dramatic effect on augmentations. Talk to Dr. Mucci if you’re concerned about childbearing and breast augmentations.

Will you be able to take time off for a recovery period? One of the most important things to keep in mind while considering a breast augmentation procedure is the fact that you will need a certain amount of time to recover. This usually includes a few days or a week off of work, as well as several weeks of limited exercise. Of course, the required amount of time off depends heavily on the patient as well as the procedure. Bottom line, make sure you can take time off work and have a spouse or family member around to take care of any children after the surgery.

Keep in mind that these things take time. Many women start thinking about breast augmentations in the spring, with the hopes of having a beach body by June. Unfortunately, the whole process can take a little longer. Plastic surgeons generally will need to schedule a consultation first, then schedule you for the procedure, and finally the patient will need ample recovery time. Sometimes, finding the time in a surgeon’s schedule can take weeks of advanced notice. In short, try to plan several months in advance.

There’s no right age for a breast augmentation. Women of all ages receive breast augmentations. Dr. Mucci’s breast augmentation patients have ranged from late teens to retirees, although the majority of women fall in the 20-50 age range. If you feel you are ready for a breast augmentation and can make time for recovery, then you are the right age to consider a breast augmentation.

If you’re interested in a breast augmentation or would like to schedule your free consultation, call Dr. Mucci today at (248) 283-1115.

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