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15590 W. 13 Mile Road, Ste. A, Beverly Hills, MI 48025



A beautiful adult woman's chin and neck is shown here to represent the concept of a neck lift vs. neck liposuction.

Neck Lift vs. Neck Liposuction: Determining which Cosmetic Procedure is Best for You

When done properly, firming up and reshaping the chin and neck region can work wonders for your confidence. It can create a smooth, youthful appearance, making it seem like recent years had no impact on your appearance. The key phrase there, however, is “done properly.” Options for this cosmetic procedure include neck lifts as well as neck and chin liposuction.

The procedure that’s best for you will depend on numerous factors, and we can identify them together during a consultation.

In the meantime, following are basic facts you may wish to know about both.

What to Expect During Liposuction

Neck liposuction involves using a hollow tube that is hooked up to a machine that mechanically sucks fat away.  Afterward, the skin will shrink down, resulting in a subtle contouring and sculpting of the chin and neck.

While there are several different types of liposuction, Dr. Mucci generally uses power-assisted liposuction. This type of liposuction features an oscillating handle that moves the tube back and forth in order to remove more fat.

Your neck and chin area may be bruised and swollen for about 10 days, and we will provide you with home care tips for your recovery after the procedure.

Liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in the area. Typically, only one treatment is needed, and the results are indefinite … as long as you maintain proper diet and exercise. When we remove fat cells, they’re gone for good, but the cells that remain can still grow. In other words, if you gain a significant amount of weight after your neck liposuction treatment, you may see those effects in the chin and neck area.

How a Neck Lift Surgery is Performed

During neck lift surgery, Dr. Mucci will create an incision from the earlobe to the hairline. Dr. Mucci will then lift the muscles of the neck, remove extra skin and fat, tighten the remaining skin, and then close the incision. Dressing will then be used to apply pressure to the area around your head and under your chin.

Dr. Mucci will use a combination of local anesthesia with a light general anesthetic to make the patient as comfortable as possible during and after the procedure.

We will also provide you with several important post-operative guidelines that you must follow for your safety, proper recovery, and optimal results.

While Dr. Mucci’s plastic surgery practice is in Beverly Hills, Michigan, he performs surgeries at UnaSource Surgery Center in Troy.

Deciding Between a Neck Lift vs. Neck Liposuction

When deciding between a neck lift and neck liposuction, we will examine a number of factors, including:

  • The quality of the skin at your neck and chin
  • Areas where cosmetic enhancements may be most effective
  • Whether you want the results to be dramatic or more subtle
  • How much you are planning to spend
  • Whether or not you are prepared for neck lift surgery
  • Whether or not you have had plastic surgery in the neck and chin region in the past
  • How willing you are to spend time recovering
  • Any minor scarring that may occur, as well as whether or not that concerns you

While neck lift surgery can be highly effective, in many cases liposuction can be more ideal, especially for younger individuals. Chin and neck liposuction is suitable for good-quality skin, whereas a neck lift may be necessary for loose skin or sagging skin.

That being said, in many cases, a combination of both a neck lift and neck liposuction may offer the greatest results.

For more information about either procedure or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mucci, call our office or send us a message through our website. We are here to help you look and feel your best, so we will provide you with the facts you need to make an informed decision about your cosmetic procedure.

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