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How To Get Back In Shape Following Pregnancy

Having a child is a wholly unique, monumental experience. Mothers often say that giving birth is one of the most difficult, painful, and magical moments of their lives. However, once the baby has arrived, a creeping thought may enter your mind: what happened to my old body, and how do I get it back?

The good news is that with some preparation and elbow grease, you can have a baby and get back into shape without too much trouble. Having a baby does not mean your body shape is irrevocably altered– though it may mean working a little harder to lose the extra pounds. We’ve outlined some simple strategies to guide you through the process.

Be proactive throughout the pregnancy

The best thing you can do to preserve your figure is to stay active throughout the pregnancy. Make sure you’re eating a nutritious, balanced diet and getting regular physical activity. Though some weight gain is inevitable, the less you take on, the easier it will be to work it off later. In brief, avoid massive weight gain by sticking to a healthy diet and exercising throughout the pregnancy. We know it’s difficult to stay on the straight and narrow despite the fatigue and cravings, but it will pay off later!

Make time for exercise after giving birth

After a week or two of hard-earned rest, some exercise will go a long ways for your figure. In the weeks and months following the pregnancy, regular exercise is essential. We know that taking care of a baby can be a full-time job in its own right, but enlist your spouse or a family friend to watch the baby while you get your much-needed workout. Strollers are also great for this purpose, as getting a walk and pushing around the new baby is an easy way to get some exercise.

Safe and effective mommy makeover procedures

Even with being proactive through your pregnancy and post-pregnancy exercise, you’re still feeling dissatisfied with your figure following pregnancy, then mommy makeover procedures are safe and available. Many new moms report renewed self-confidence and feeling better about their appearance with simple procedures such as tummy tucks, breast augmentations or liposuction.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Mucci today!

If you’re interested in a mommy makeover procedure but aren’t sure what you want or are worried about the safety, then call Dr. Mucci today. With two decades of experience with cosmetic surgeries, Dr. Mucci can provide you with sound advice regarding your available options as well as what may be best for your needs. Call Dr. Mucci today to receive a consultation from one of the most trusted cosmetic surgeons in Michigan.

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