Ways to Reach Us

15590 W. 13 Mile Road, Ste. A, Beverly Hills, MI 48025




What Do Tummy Tuck Scars Look Like?

A tummy tuck procedure is a very safe procedure that produces excellent results for patients feeling dissatisfied with their midsection. In brief, tummy tucks help patients achieve a slimmer and firmer abdomen when regular exercise and a healthy diet isn’t enough. One of the biggest concerns my patients have with the procedure is scarring. There’s […]

What Is The Average Recovery Time For A Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation is becoming an increasingly popular option for women to feel more comfortable with their bodies. It’s entirely natural for some women to wish something was a little different about their breasts, and this procedure offers a safe way to alleviate this unpleasant feeling. Naturally, women considering this procedure often have a lot of […]

Breast Augmentation: How Big Is Too Big?

One thing is for certain in all cosmetic procedures: There is no one-size-fits-all approach. One of the most personally unique surgeries is the breast augmentation. Depending on body frame, preference, or even style trends, “too big” or “too small” are incredibly relative terms. As with every surgery, there are a few things to consider before […]

What Type Of Questions Should I Ask At My Consultation?

I talk a lot about the importance of asking your surgeon every question possible before committing to using them as your surgeon or committing to the procedure. Making an informed decision is better than being blindsided by unknowns. First, Do Your Research Research your potential doctor. Research the procedure. Research other doctors. All of it! […]

Liposuction Or Tummy Tuck — What’s The Right Choice For Me?

It’s bikini season and with it comes many questions about body contouring procedures and how they may benefit our patients’ bodies. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve your appearance — especially during a season when your assets are on full display! But just in case you are unsure of what type of procedure you […]

How Safe Is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

One of the most popular procedures in all of cosmetic surgery is the breast augmentation. Its status in our culture is one that is unrivaled, leading over 300,000 women to the procedure in 2017 alone. So, how safe is this ubiquitous procedure and what can you expect when you decide to have one? Is It […]

Maintain Healthy And Happy Skin All Summer Long

Hey! Look up in the sky! Do you see it? The sun’s back! Yes, summer’s almost here. After a long, very “typical Michigan” wait, our old friend is back, shining joy and UV rays all over us. But with those beautiful rays comes a beating — on our skin, of course. Between chlorinated pools, high […]

What Can A Facelift Do For Me?

Facelifts are one of the best known, safest, and most reliable procedures in the cosmetic surgery industry. It can be frustrating when our outside doesn’t match how young we feel on the inside. Ranging from minimally invasive to much more complicated, facelifts are one of the most popular options for our clients to minimize wrinkles […]

Facial Fillers Vs. Botox: What’s The Difference?

While many people are aware of Botox and its role in facial rejuvenation, some may be interested in other injectables and how they interact with your body. As science progresses, we are finding different ways to capture the youthful energy that people feel on the inside and bring it outward. There are a number of […]
