Ways to Reach Us

15590 W. 13 Mile Road, Ste. A, Beverly Hills, MI 48025




Understanding the Risks and Benefits of Breast Implants

Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular cosmetic procedures worldwide, helping countless individuals enhance their confidence and achieve their aesthetic goals. However, as with any surgical procedure, it’s essential to understand both the benefits and potential risks before making a decision. Dr. Mucci prioritizes patient safety and well-being, ensuring that each step of the […]

Mommy Makeovers: What You Need to Know

By now, you’ve likely heard the term “mommy makeover” – a buzzword that’s gained a lot of traction in the world of cosmetic surgery. But what does a mommy makeover really entail, and why are so many women turning to this transformative option?  At Dr. Mucci’s practice, we believe in empowering women to feel confident […]

Eyelid Surgery – What to Expect

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a popular cosmetic procedure that can provide dramatic changes in your appearance. Whether you’re looking to rejuvenate your eyes or correct specific issues, eyelid surgery offers promising results. In this blog, we’ll take you through what to expect during eyelid surgery, exploring the procedure, recovery, and the personalized […]

Cosmetic Surgery, Not Just For Women

When we think cosmetic surgery, we often think of women getting breast implants, or lip-injections. However, cosmetic surgery is not just for women. There are multiple cosmetic procedures that are common, and popular, for men. Just like women, men age too. Society usually focuses on women’s insecurities; however, men can be insecure about certain parts […]

Pharmagel Skin Products

Paula, our Aesthetician, now offers a wide range of Pharmagel skin care products. They have been shown to be effective in the treatment of aging skin. What is Pharmagel Skin Care? Pharmagel is a specialized program that is formulated with pharmaceutical grade ingredients that create lasting results. The line consist of a proprietary collection of […]

COVID-19 New Policy

We hope this email finds you and your loved ones healthy. Our office has been open on a limited basis during the last two months. We are happy to share that this week we have returned to our normal hours of operation. By incorporating new protocols which follow county, state and CDC guidelines, we want […]

Liposuction – Long-Term Or Short-Term?

Liposuction is the most common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States. Frequently treated sites include the thighs, waist, abdomen, and arms. Really anywhere there is a bit of extra fat, we can address it using traditional, power assisted or ultrasound assisted liposuction. Most love their result from the procedure, but is this procedure a […]

Educated Consultation

At the time of your consultation, it is common to have concerns about the potential upcoming procedure. Do not be afraid to ask questions! Once surgery is done, there is no going back. The most important question when at a consultation, is to ask what are your doctors’ qualifications are? Before having any type of […]

What You Need To Know About Botox

Each year, more than 6 million Botox treatments are administered, making it one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in existence. As if that weren’t enough, Botox is used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including chronic migraines, crossed eyes and overactive bladder. Botox is a fascinating substance and there’s a lot to understand […]

Breast Lifts Explained

Have you noticed a change in the shape and firmness of your breasts? Many factors can impact the appearance of the breasts including pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight changes. All women will notice changes in their breasts as they age, simply due to time and gravity. Breast lifts are becoming a popular means for women to […]
