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Postpartum Tummy Tuck

When is the right time for a tummy tuck post pregnancy?

Pregnancy is life-altering in just about every way. Some of the biggest changes experienced throughout pregnancy and birth happen to the body. Luckily, there are a variety of ways to restore your body back to its pre-pregnancy shape. Tummy tucks are becoming increasingly popular with young mothers as a means to look and feel their best after having children.

A Popular Post-Baby Procedure

Since 2000, the number of tummy tucks performed in the United States has increased by nearly 88%. Ten years ago, tummy tucks were most popular among post-menopausal women. Today, 44% are performed on women in their 20s and 30s. In fact, some have started to refer to the procedure as a “Mommy tuck” because of its popularity with the demographic.

Of course, it’s normal to witness significant changes in your body post pregnancy. However, thanks in part to an increasingly image-conscious and photo-heavy culture, moms feel more pressure than ever to get their pre-pregnancy bodies back as quickly as possible. Ultimately, you have to decide what’s right for you. With the help of a trusted medical team, a post-pregnancy tummy tuck can help ease the anxiety of such significant changes to your body.

The Risks and Rewards

Tummy tucks are considered higher-risk than some cosmetic procedures, simply because the body’s core is required for so much of our movement. Abdominal surgeries demand lots of laying down during recovery, meaning blood can pool and cause blood clots. As with any cosmetic procedure, you should always consult a trusted physician and weigh all of your options before committing. New moms, in particular, need to consider how the downtime will factor into their daily lives and schedules with small children in the mix. Talk with your partner and family about your post-op needs and accept help as you allow your body to recover.

Psychologists say, if performed for the right reasons, a post-pregnancy tummy tuck can help new moms have a more positive body image for moms. Simply seeing a body you recognize in the mirror can be comforting during a new life chapter. That, coupled with the healthy lifestyle required to maintain plastic surgery results, can help moms feel happy and healthy for years to come. By following your surgeon’s post-op recovery instructions, you can greatly reduce the risk of complications following a tummy tuck.

When to Consider a Tummy Tuck

If you’re still open to the possibility of having children, it might be best to hold off. Otherwise, you just want to give your body time to recover from birth before considering a tummy tuck. At the very least, you should wait at least 6 months after giving birth before getting a tummy tuck. Waiting a year will ensure your abdominal wall, and the skin, muscles and fat of your abdomen are done changing. If you’ve had multiples or pregnancies within a year of each other, that process may take even longer. Also, for best results, you should be within 5-10 pounds of your goal weight when considering a tummy tuck. Discuss your plans with your doctor to make sure your body is prepared to undergo the procedure.

There are multiple factors to consider when considering a postpartum tummy tuck. If you’d like to discuss your post-pregnancy goals, call us today. We’ll help you decide the path that’s best for you to achieve the body of your dreams!

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